Sean Dobbs

Associate Professor
Sean Dobbs

Contact Information

Office Location
207 KEN

Dr. Dobbs received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 2012 for his research in heavy (charm, bottom) quark mesons at the CLEO electron-positron annihilation experiment located at Cornell University. He then moved to a postdoctoral researcher position at Northwestern, this time with the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab, before joining the FSU faculty in 2017.

His research interests include testing the limits of the strong interaction by searching for novel states beyond the "standard quark model" of quark-antiquark mesons and 3-quark baryons. His current efforts in this direction are focused around the GlueX experiment, a new photoproduction experiment was has begun taking data in 2017. The goal of the GlueX experiment is to map the spectrum of light mesons, with a focus on the search for "hybrid mesons", which are mesonic states with explicit excitations of the gluonic field that binds them. He is also interested in the study of nucleon structure with heavy quark probes and the search for other exotic states, as well as the development of systems for managing and studying large data sets.

Research Interests

Hadronic Physics