List of things for for first deployment.
(Note that these are intended for the Chief Web Monkey. Pay no attention.)
Make sure the colloquium calendar is up to date.
707 becomes 701
where did the wiki go?
or my computer may be missing a plugin; could you please check if it is the former?
Grad handbook: Check external links (registrar moved) it's in a limbo state in general, there's an extra link, and external links need to be fixed. (NOTE mostly good, a few broken links.)
The Saturday Morning Physics link on that page will break.
Embed 'current colloquia' into the generic parent 'Colloquia' page
Tar of amida to miroku
Faculty accounts
When enough of thses are fixed, get rid of the "To Do" link on the main banner.
* link to outreach is broken
* link to awards is broken
* /research page statement about research needs rewording (just as we did for homepage)
* many of the research group pages have obsolete information -- should ask groups to provide updated info or links to up-to-date pages (NOTE see below)
* list of faculty on /people page needs updating:
- remove Shaheen, add new HEP faculty,..
- Nick Bonesteel is assoc chair, not David vWinkle
- most names are bold, some are not (by design, those not bold don't have links)
-list of graduate research faculty is probably incomplete
* postdocs:
- list needs update;
- Bandurin has been gone for years
* staff:
- Nyirah Ballard is gone
- add Alisabet Valdes and Andrew Richey
- Ian Winger is gone
From Prof. Greene:
"""Glad to see I made it onto the Faculty web page I have not set up a web page here yet, so why don’t you use this link: I really need to get this going! Also, for the email address, if you use it will go into a black hole. My address is Can that noted? Finally, my office is B206 MAG. The site looks great and I’m especially glad to see the 2016 Fall Colloquia listed. For that, I think it would be very helpful if the location, and time, were listed at the top of that page. That will help encourage others to attend. """
Under Resources: Physics Department Committees Not Found.
Pages under News Not Found. (NOTE see below)
Awards page has no links. Note: see below
Future Things to Decide
I never understood why the "Awards" link there in the first place, describing the Developing Scholar Award. What does that have to do with the department ?
How should the news and newsletter happen?
"None of the links from the Research, Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics that I tried, work." These didn't work in the previous incarnation, either. What do you want them to be?
Ritchey still needs coordinates
Send me your postdocs.
list of graduate research faculty is probably incomplete
Every group needs to designate one person to update their website.
Get people to stop listing for their address on the faculty list page
New to this web page changes page:
-- hover over doesn't work by design
-- Room schedules are under "resources"
-- Everyone needs to use the calendars on the webpage.