News And Events

Regular Seminars and Colloquia

Slides and Zoom Links from Selected Seminars

We are proud to host several seminar series throughout the year. Standard meeting times are as follows, for detailed event listings check the calendar below.

Physics Colloquia (Thursdays, 3:30-4:45, UPL101.  Reception at 3:30, Colloquium at 3:45)

Astrophysics Seminar (Wednesdays, 11:45-12:45, Keen 621)

Condensed Matter Science Seminar  (Friday at 3:00, B101 MagLab)

High Energy Physics Seminar (Friday, 1:15-2:15, Keen 503)

Nuclear Physics Seminar (Fridays, 2:30-3:30, Keen 701)

Graduate Student Seminar (Friday at 5:00, 701 Keen, late Fall semester only.)

Room Calendars


Special Events

Dirac Lectures, February 15-17, 2023

Saturday Morning Physics, Saturdays at 9:30-11:30, during the Fall

Events at the Maglab

Events at the Department of Scientific Computing