Click on name for more information, research summary and further options, and on an e-mail address to send e-mail
Adams, Todd |
Professor |
515 KEN |
4-7159 |
tadams |
Almaraz-Calderon, Sergio |
Assistant Professor |
216 KEN |
5-9215 |
salmaraz |
Askew, Andrew |
Associate Professor |
517 KEN |
5-9343 |
askew |
Beekman, Christianne |
Assistant Professor |
418 KEN |
5-0975 KEN, 4-5993 MAG |
beekman |
Berg, Bernd |
Professor |
615 KEN |
4-6246 |
berg |
Blessing, Susan |
Professor |
508 KEN |
4-1032 |
blessing |
Boebinger, Gregory |
Professor |
B204 MAG |
4-0851 |
gsb |
Bonesteel, Nicholas |
Professor& Associate Chair |
410 KEN |
4-2516 |
bonestee |
Cao, Jianming |
Professor |
A309A MAG |
4-0527 |
jcao |
Capstick, Simon |
Professor |
207 KEN |
4-1724 |
capstick |
Chiorescu, Irinel |
Professor |
703-b KEN |
4-3414 |
ic |
Collins, David |
Assistant Professor |
604 KEN |
5-0689 |
dccollins |
Cottle, Paul |
Professor |
219 KEN |
4-5777 |
cottle |
Crede, Volker |
Associate Professor |
206 KEN |
4-2423 |
crede |
Dobrosavljevic, Vladimir |
Professor |
611 KEN |
4-9755, 4-5693 |
vlad |
Duke, Dennis |
Professor |
617 KEN |
4-0175 |
dduke |
Eugenio, Paul |
Professor |
205 KEN |
4-2585 |
eugenio |
Gao, Hanwei |
Assistant Professor |
407 KEN,
217 DITT |
4-1218 |
h-gao |
Greene, Laura H. |
Professor |
B206 MAG |
4-1466 |
lhgreene |
Hill, Stephen |
Professor |
310 KEN |
5-8793 |
shill |
Hoeflich, Peter |
Professor |
613 KEN |
512-484-5910 |
phoeflich77 |
Hsiao, Eric |
Assistant Professor |
616 KEN |
510-200-8230 |
hsiao |
Huffenberger, Kevin |
Assistant Professor |
609 KEN |
5-9409 |
huffenbe |
Kolberg, Ted |
Assistant Professor |
519 KEN |
4-3893 |
tkolberg |
Lind, David |
Associate Professor |
405 KEN |
4-1576 |
lind |
Manousakis, Efstratios |
Professor |
612 KEN |
4-3713 |
stratos |
Murphy, Jeremiah |
Assistant Professor |
606 KEN |
4-5076 |
jeremiah |
Ng, Hon-Kie |
Associate Professor |
416 KEN |
4-4558 |
ng |
Okui, Takemichi |
Associate Professor |
511 KEN |
4-3523 |
okui |
Owens, Joseph |
Professor |
506 KEN |
4-4765 |
owens |
Piekarewicz, Jorge |
Professor |
204 KEN |
4-6344 |
jpiekarewicz |
Prosper, Harrison |
Professor |
514 KEN |
4-6760 |
harry |
Reina, Laura |
Professor |
510 KEN |
4-9282 |
reina |
Rikvold, Per Arne |
Professor |
413 KEN |
4-6814 |
prikvold |
Riley, Mark |
Professor |
214 KEN |
4-2066 |
mriley |
Roberts, Winston |
Professor |
605 KEN |
4-2223 |
wroberts |
Schlottmann, Pedro |
Professor |
311 KEN |
4-0055 |
schlottmann |
Tabor, Samuel |
Professor |
213 KEN |
4-5528 |
tabor |
Vafek, Oskar |
Associate Professor |
309 KEN |
4-4391 |
vafek |
Van Winkle, David |
Professor |
414 KEN |
4-6019 |
rip |
Volya, Alexander |
Associate Professor |
209 KEN |
4-1804 |
volya |
Wahl, Horst |
Professor and Chair |
512 KEN |
4-3509 |
wahl |
Wiedenhover, Ingo |
Professor |
217 KEN |
4-1429 |
iwiedenhover |
Xiong, Peng |
Professor |
409 KEN |
4-5849 |
xiong |
Yang, Kun |
Professor |
404 KEN |
4-5373 |
kunyang |
Yohay, Rachel |
Assistant Professor |
520 KEN |
4-4777 |
ryohay |
Zhou, Huan-Xiang |
Professor |
419 KLB |
5-1336 |
hzhou4 |
back to top |
Teaching Faculty
Hori, Yuko |
Teaching Faculty I |
703A KEN |
4-2228 |
yhori |
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Graduate Research Faculty
Balicas, Luis |
Research Professor |
A3145 MAG |
4-4201 |
balicas |
Choi, Eun Sang |
Associate Scholar Scientist |
A-121B MAG |
4-1055 |
choi |
Frawley, Anthony |
Research Professor |
210 KEN |
4-4034 |
frawley |
Green, Bill |
Research Professor |
618 KEN |
green |
Hannahs, Scott |
Distinguished University Scholar (Research Faculty III) |
A-109D MAG |
4-216 |
hannahs |
Myers, Edmund |
Research Professor |
115 NRB |
4-4040 |
myers |
Popovic, Dragana |
Research Professor |
A309b MAG |
4-3913 |
popovic |
Smirnov, Dmitry |
Scholar/Scientist |
A121A MAG |
4-5399 |
smirnov |
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Non-Graduate Faculty
Baby, Lagy T |
Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer |
116 NRB |
4-5598 |
baby |
Caussyn, David |
Associate Scholar/Scientist/Engineer |
209 NRB |
4-6209 |
caussyn |
Johnson, Kurtis |
Computer Research Specialist |
519 KEN |
4-3893 |
johnson |
Lochner, Eric |
Scientific Research Specialist |
105A KEN |
4-3456 |
lochner |
Reyes, Barbara |
Assistant in Teaching |
111 UPL |
4-6822 |
reyes |
Schmidt, Brian |
Assistant in Research |
106 NRB |
4-1223 |
schmidt |
Spingler, David |
Associate in Research |
31 NRB |
4-1191 |
spingler |
Tripathi, Vandana |
Assistant Scholar/Scientist/Engineer |
218 KEN |
tripathi |
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Emeritus Faculty
Albright, John |
Emeritus Professor |
albright |
Desloge, Edward |
Emeritus Professor |
Fletcher, Neil |
Emeritus Professor |
fletcher |
Hagopian, Sharon |
Emeritus Physicist |
520 KEN |
4-4777 |
shagopian |
Hagopian, Vasken |
Emeritus Professor |
620 KEN |
4-3734 |
vhagopian |
Kemper, Kirby |
Emeritus Professor |
210 NRB |
5-0349 |
kemper |
Kimel, Daniel |
Emeritus Professor |
kimel |
Moulton, Grace |
Emeritus Professor |
4-5247 |
moulton |
Philpott, John |
Emeritus Professor |
Plendl, Hans |
Emeritus Professor |
plendl |
Robson, Donald |
Emeritus Professor |
211 KEN |
4-1767 |
robson |
Schrieffer, Robert |
Emeritus Professor |
a307 MAG |
4-3203 |
schrieffer |
Skofronick, James |
Emeritus Professor |
skofronick |
Testardi, Louis |
Emeritus Professor |
testardi |
von Molnár, Stephan |
Professor |
406 KEN |
4-5075 |
molnár |
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Postdoctoral Fellows
Hamzeloui, Saeed |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
NRB 119 |
email |
Lai, Hsin-Hua |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
5-0106 |
lai |
Reuschle, Chris |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
505 Keen |
creuschle-at-hep.fsu.edu |
Weinberg, Marc |
Assistant In* |
121 FNAL |
630-840-8567 |
weinberg |
back to top |
Aragon, Jason |
Technical/Research Designer |
45 NRB |
4-6734 |
aragon |
Barber, Powell |
Technical/Research Designer |
037 NRB |
4-6477 |
pbarber |
Baxter, Scott |
Publications/Graphics Artist |
320 KEN |
4-1294 |
sbaxter |
Beck, Roger |
Program Coordinator |
308 KEN |
4-1493 |
rbeck |
Boisseau, Richard |
Technical/Research Designer |
45 NRB |
4-6734 |
boisseau |
Bradley, Christopher |
Teaching Laboratory Specialist |
111 UPL |
4-6794 |
bradley |
Bravo, Michelle |
Administrative Associate |
313 KEN |
5-9212 |
bravo |
Brown, Greg |
Technical/Research Designer |
34 NRB |
4-6518 |
brown |
Cartagine, Mark |
Teaching Laboratory Specialist |
103 UPL |
4-1194 |
cartagine |
Crowdis, Eva Maria |
Office Administrator/Assistant to the Chair |
312 KEN |
4-2724 |
crowdis |
Henry, Jonathan |
Graduate Student Affairs Coordinator |
307 KEN |
644-4473 |
henry |
Jerrels, Monica |
Administrative Associate |
315 KEN |
644-2894 |
mjerrels |
Koetz, Kurt |
Research Engineer |
403 KEN |
4-3770 |
koetz |
Mork, Kathryn |
Administrative Support Assistant |
513 KEN |
4-1492 |
mork |
Powell, Phyllis |
Grants Compliance Associate |
308 KEN |
4-3745 |
powell |
Roberts, Mark |
Technical/Research Designer |
5 NRB |
4-6457 |
roberts |
Ryan, Joe |
IT Support Specialist |
518 KEN |
4-4539 |
joe.ryan.fsu-at-gmail.com |
Smith, Randall |
Technical/Research Designer |
1 KEN |
4-2433 |
rtsmith |
Smith, Robert |
Technical/Research Designer |
105A KEN |
5-7468 |
smith |
Valdes, Alisabet |
Business Manager |
318 KEN |
4-6476 |
afvaldes |
Volsch, Terri |
Technical/Research Designer |
1 KEN |
4-2433 |
volsch |
Whitaker, John |
IT Support Specialist |
403 KEN |
4-0499 |
whitaker |
White, Greg |
Technical/Research Designer |
001 KEN |
4-2433 |
white |
Wilcoxon, Brian |
Undergraduate Coordinator |
307 KEN |
644-3245 |
bwilcoxon |
Yeargan, Jonathan |
Program Coordinator |
212 KEN |
4-2084 |
yeargan |
Youngblood, Felicia |
Graduate Coordinator
305 Keen |
4-4473 |
fky11 |
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