Hitesh Changlani

Associate Professor
Image of Hitesh Changlani

Contact Information

Office Location
413 KEN

Received Ph.D. in physics from Cornell University in 2013.

Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Quantum Matter, Johns Hopkins University, from 2016 to 2018

Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Condensed Matter Theory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, from 2013 to 2016

Joined the faculty at Florida State University in 2018.

Research interests: The study of quantum systems of many strongly interacting particles (such as bosons, fermions, and spins). Several physical phenomena at low temperatures arise out of the intricate interplay of quantum mechanics and strong correlations. Broadly, my research interests fall into the following categories:

  • Development and application of novel numerical algorithms for the quantum many body problem (tensor networks and quantum Monte Carlo)
  • Multi-scale modeling of quantum matter with effective Hamiltonians from "density matrix downfolding"
  • Mott insulators and "frustrated" magnets with a strong emphasis on experimentally relevant materials
  • Physics of dilution and disorder, especially in magnets
  • Quantum information and entanglement, mutual information and density matrix based metrics

My publications and preprints are available on the arXiv. You may contact me at hchanglani@fsu.edu.

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Theory