Undergraduate Courses



See the academic map for physics and physics & astrophysics majors.

A complete list of courses and instructors for the current semester can be downloaded here.

Courses taught every semester

AST 1002          Planets, Stars and Galaxies

AST 1002L        Planets, Stars and Galaxies Lab

PHY 1020          Physics and Technology for Future Presidents

PHY 1020L        Physics and Technology for Future Presidents Lab

PHY 2048C       General Physics A

PHY 2049C       General Physics B

PHY 2053C       College Physics A

PHY 2054C       College Physics B

PHY 3802L        Intermediate Lab

PHY 4822L        Advanced Lab


Courses taught every fall semester

PHY 1090          Discovering Physics

AST 4211          Introduction to Astrophysics

PHY 3045         Physics Problem Solving

PHY 3101          Intermediate Modern Physics

PHY 4604          Quantum Theory of Matter A

PHY 4222          Mechanics II

PHZ 4117          Mathematical Physics II

PHY 4324          Electricity and Magnetism II

PHZ 4601          Special and General Relativity


Courses taught every spring semester

PHZ 1140C       Computational Physics Laboratory

PHZ 3113          Mathematical Physics I

PHY 3221          Mechanics I

PHY 4323          Electricity and Magnetism I

PHY 4605          Quantum Theory of Matter B

PHZ 4390          Particle and Nuclear Physics

PHY 4513          Thermal and Statistical Physics

AST 4414          Cosmology and Structure Formation


Fall semester (in odd numbered years, e.g. 2023, 2025)

PHY3424          Optics


Spring semester (in even numbered years, e.g. 2024, 2026)

PHZ 4400          Condensed Matter

AST 4722          Observational Techniques in Astrophysics


Fall semester (in even numbered years, e.g. 2024, 2026)

PHZ 4530          Fluid and Plasma Physics


Spring semester (in odd numbered years, e.g. 2023, 2025)

PHZ 4316          Nuclear Astrophysics            or         AST 4217    Physics of Stars

AST 4419          Extragalactic Astronomy