Frequently Asked Questions

The Graduate School has a guide to the application process HERE.

For international students, the application process can be found HERE.

What is the FSU Code for the TOEFL Test?

The TOEFEL code is 5219 

For more information, see International Admissions for assistance.

Can I submit my unofficial transcript during the application process?

Yes, your unofficial transcripts are acceptable during the application process. Submission of the unofficial transcripts will not remove the red x from your checklist. The red x will only be removed when Graduate Admissions office receives the official transcripts and scores. 

Where do I send my transcripts and test scores?

All transcripts and test scores are to be sent to Graduate Admissions: 

Florida State University
Graduate Admissions
222 S. Copeland St.
315 Westcott Bldg.
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1410

Phone (main office): 850.644.3501


Where do I apply to the Physics Phd program?

To apply to the PhD Physics Program, go to the Application Portal.

Do you offer a GRE Waiver?

The GRE Requirement has been waived for the Fall 2025 application cycle.

What is the deadline for application submission?

The deadline for Physics PhD application is January 15th at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Can I receive an application fee waiver?

Unfortunately, the Graduate School does not offer application waivers under any circumstances. However, in order to reduce the cost of application, we do not require official documents until after admission. For the application, copies and unofficial transcripts will suffice.